My Substack, The Whimsical Jambearee

In 2023, I started a Substack, The Whimsical Jambearee, which became my new blog, in a way. I liked the layout better than W*rdrpess and for creators it was easier to use.

With Substack, I can also divide up content for subscribers so that folks get the kind of content they want. Just want to follow my adventures with updates occasionally? Cool. Want my Art posts but not my Star Trek ramblings? I can separate those for you. Subscribers have access to everything, but they only receive email alerts for the newsletters they subscribe to.

It doesn’t have hardly any of my older posts which you can find here on my blog. It is 2022 and forward. So I’ll keep this blog as an archive and something to send overview posts to, but the substack, even for free subscribers, will be more up to date.

So head on over to the Whimsical Jambearee and discover your jam!