The Bliss Before the Ruckus is Worth it

“The Bliss before the Ruckus,” Jerome Stueart, artist, 11 x 15, watercolor, pen and ink on cold press watercolor paper. 300

STAY IN THE BLISS as long as you can.

Some things you just have to do— even if you know the next moment is going to be chaos. Even if the thing you want to do is going to CAUSE that chaos. That could be a little fun….

What happens next in this picture may not be as important as what is being experienced RIGHT NOW that makes the chaos worth it.

In “The Bliss Before the Ruckus”, we see a dog mid-jump to a big comfy bed where a cat is asleep—and here’s that one beautiful moment when they are flying, the sun hitting their face, the wind in their fur, and they know a soft landing, some bounce, and a pleasurable sleep on the bed is theirs!

Take a chance today. Try something you haven’t tried before. Be risky, but smart. Yes, it might ruffle some feathers (or cat fur) but in the long run you can’t let what others might think stop you from doing what your heart wants. What will bring you pleasure and happiness today? It may shock others– GOOD! As long as it doesn’t hurt others, I think a little shock is fantastic. It gives you character, makes you unpredictable, expands who you are in the minds of others, and lets you not be hemmed in by the needs or expectations of everyone else. You are SO much more complex than they gave you credit for. You are bold and brave.

These little shocks to those who don’t expect them may also move the whole collective forward. What was shocking today might not be shocking four months from now. Or a year from now. We all benefit. And, hey, you’ll also be the person who might do ANY-thing!

What is your Bliss that you’ll take a leap for this week?


I will share some news happening tomorrow that involves MUCH more Art and Story being available to you to read and enjoy, daily. New Art, created for your joy, to help you through your day, to be a bright spot, an unpredictable dose of merriment or delight in your everyday world. I too am taking a leap into the unknown. I’ll have the details Tomorrow, Tuesday!

Till then… why not take a LEAP for yourself!